교육 및 세미나
Sex Education
성인의 건강한 성문화를 위한 성교육
ㆍ청소년 그룹 맞춤 성교육
ㆍ개인 및 부부 성상담, 인터넷성중독상담 Individual & Group Counseling
ㆍ성교육 : 관공서, 기업체, 학교 (성교육, 성희롱, 성폭력, 성매매예방) Human Sexuality education
Sex Education
Sex Education for Married couples
Our center will provide Sex Education for Married Couples and Tourists. It is located near Haeundae Beach. Tourists and Couples can have very effective time with tour and this program while they stay in Haesundae area.
This program will help to enhance couple's relationship and Sex life. This program is including Kamasutra and nice Sex Education video and ppts. I've been married for 31years and 19 years as psychological counselor.